Looking at the Months of the Year for kids

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Learning about the months of the year is an important part of early childhood education.
It helps children understand the structure of time, including how the days, weeks, and months fit together.
Exploring the months of the year with kids can be a fun and interactive activity that teaches them about the passing of time and the changing of seasons.


  • January is named for Janus, the Roman god of doors and gates.
  • It has 31 days.
  • The middle of January usually marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day to remember his contributions to civil rights and reflect on equality and peace.
    Learning more about Dr. King can help kids gain a better understanding of why his work still matters today.


  • February is named after an ancient Roman festival of purification called Februa.
  • It has 28 days in common years, and 29 days in leap years.
  • Valentine’s Day falls in February each year, and it is a day when people express their love for each other.
    We might give cards, flowers, or sweets to our family and friends.
    In many countries, there are also festivals and special events that celebrate the end of winter.
  • For kids, February is a great time to learn about seasonal changes.
    As the temperature begins to rise, you can go outside and observe the signs of spring.
    Buds might start to appear on trees, and wildflowers might begin to bloom.


  • March is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
  • It has 31 days.
  • In the United Kingdom, March is when Daylight Saving Time begins, meaning you get an extra hour of daylight.
  • March also marks the official start of spring and the end of winter.
  • March also has some fun holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated on the 17th, and the first day of spring, which is celebrated on the 20th.


  • April takes its name from the Latin word aperire, meaning 'to open' (just like flowers do in spring).
  • It has 30 days.
  • Kids can learn about April by exploring the changes in nature that take place this month.
    Watch for signs of spring like blooming flowers and new leaves on the trees. Go for a walk and look for animals coming out of hibernation.
  • There are many special holidays and occasions celebrated in April, such as Easter and Earth Day.
  • April Fools' Day (also known as April Fool's Day) is celebrated in many countries on April the 1st every year.
    On this day, practical jokes are played on friends and family.


  • May is named after the Greek goddess Maia.
  • It has 31 days.
  • For parents and teachers, May is the perfect time to educate children about the environment and nature.
    By getting outdoors and exploring nature together, kids can learn about animals, plants, and the different ecosystems in their area.
    You can also focus on environmental stewardship, such as recycling, water conservation, and energy efficiency.
  • In some parts of the world, May marks the start of summer holidays.
    This makes it a popular month for family holidays and trips to amusement parks.
    It's also a great time to host outdoor BBQs and pool parties with friends (if it's warm enough!).
  • May was once considered a bad luck month to get married!


  • June is named after the Roman goddess Juno – the god of marriage and childbirth, and the wife of Jupiter, king of the gods.
  • It has 30 days.
  • This time of year is great for outdoor activities like picnics, walks, or camping trips.
    It also marks the beginning of the summer holidays for many children.
  • School may be out for summer, but that doesn’t mean that everyone should take a break from learning.
    From learning about local flora and fauna to experiencing new cultures or histories from around the world, there are plenty of educational opportunities available during the summer months.
  • June the 5th is World Environment Day. A day meant to raise environmental awareness across the globe.
  • In 2009 June was ranked 662 as the most popular name for girls in the USA!


  • July is named after the famous Roman general Julius Caesar.
  • It has 31 days.
  • In July, kids can enjoy playing at the beach, swimming in the pool, having picnics, going to amusement parks and staying up late.
    Kids can also explore new hobbies such as photography, rock collecting or making art projects. July is a great time to get outside and appreciate nature with walks and bike rides.
  • July the 2nd is World UFO Day, while July the 3rd is stay out of the Sun Day.
  • On July the 4th, 1776, the 13 American colonies declared their independence from the British monarchy.
    The 4th of July, formally known as Independence Day, has been a holiday since 1870 in the United States of America.


  • August is named after Rome's first emperor, Augustus.
  • It has 31 days.
  • It's also a great time for gardening and harvesting fruits and vegetables that have been planted earlier in the summer.
    Kids might enjoy picking up their own produce and helping to prepare meals with what they've harvested.
  • On August the 6th, 1762, the first ever sandwich was created, at least with such a name.
    It was named after the Earl of Sandwich when he requested a dish involving meat between two pieces of bread. As the story goes, he requested it as he was in the middle of a gambling game and didn’t want to interrupt it.
  • The first Friday in August celebrates international beer day!


  • September is taken from the Latin word septem, meaning “seven,” because it was the seventh month of the early Roman calendar.
  • It has 30 days.
  • September is a wonderful month to celebrate the changing of the seasons with friends and family. Activities such as having a back garden bonfire or roasting marshmallows are sure to be a hit with kids.
  • September has some pretty interesting holidays spread throughout the month! Firstly, in the US, September is National Happy Cat Month!
    We also have Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day (US) on September 13th, International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th, as well as National Punctuation day (US) on September 24th.
  • The first Saturday in September celebrates world beard day!


  • October comes from octo, the Latin word for “eight.”
  • It has 31 days.
  • In October 1974 the very first McDonald's in the UK opened its doors in London, and is still operating today!
  • One of the highlights of October is Halloween! Children love to dress up as their favourite characters and go trick or treating around the neighborhood.
    It's also a great time to have a Halloween party with friends, carve pumpkins, watch scary movies, and more!
  • October the 4th is World Animal Day!


  • November comes from the Roman word for “ninth” – nonus – as it was the ninth month of the Roman year.
  • It has 30 days.
  • The fifth of November marks a historic day in the UK.
    On this day in 1605, a group of Roman Catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament while King James I was inside. Fortunately, the plot was foiled.
    Every year festivities are held across the country to celebrate the group’s failure, which includes setting off countless fireworks, lighting bonfires, and even setting alight effigies of Guy Fawkes, one of the conspirators.
  • Thanksgiving is the main holiday of November in the US, and it's a great opportunity to teach kids about gratitude and generosity. There are lots of fun activities kids can participate in to get ready for the big day, like baking pies, making centerpieces, and writing cards for family members.
  • November the 14th is World Diabetes Day!


  • December comes from the Latin word decem, “ten,” because this had been the tenth month of the early Roman calendar.
  • It has 31 days.
  • In many countries, December is associated with Christmas.
    This is a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, a religious figure for many people around the world.
    On December 25th, Christians observe Christmas Day, often spending time with family and exchanging gifts.
    Other December holidays include Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Boxing Day.
  • Many schools break up during this month as well.
    Many children will build snowmen and participate in winter activities like skiing, sledding, and snowshoeing.
  • December the 15th is International Tea Day!

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